Hi guys'n'gals
After T-mobile realised they'd left me on a rather nice employee deal over 18 months since I left my part-time MSc-funding shop monkey role, I'm now left looking for a new mobile contract (well actually two!) but there's nothing out there that I'm yet prepared to pay for over my P900. So, I'm thinking of doing the old 'packet-splitting' and getting either a really good cash-back deal and a really crappy phone that I can shift or a decent phone to sell on with no hassle about returning bills every three months to get money back.
So, looking for one contract of between 750 and 1000 minutes off-peak that will be used mainyl to call T-mobile and one contract about 200 minutes x-net. So far I've seen really good deals on the Orange M500 at OneStop on both Orange YP200 and the Orange 1000 X-net off-peak, where the total cost over the year is £240 and £260 respectively. Alternatively there's a W800i offer for £225 minimum-term cost. Do these seem like good deals, and can anyone suggest better deals and approximate prices I'd expect to be able to get for selling these phones on? If Vaul/Stewart doesn't mind, can someone suggest a decent forum where I could put a phone up for sale?