I'm using TopologiLinux which is a derivative of Slackware but runs on a loopback device under NTFS!!! No need to repartiton drives and works really well.
Anyway - main PC is an SB61G2. I dont use the onboard video and instead have a Radeon 9700 Pro videocard.
All my other hardware is set up and working correctly under Linux, but I've had to use the original XFree 86 ATI driver. I've enabled GLX and DRI by editiong my XF86Config file so its a small improvement on what it was.
I've downloaded the ATI driver for my video card (I'm using the latest version of XFree 86) but Ive now killed my setup twice trying to install the bugger!
Has anyone any tips on getting the ATI driver installed correctly - especially Slackware/TopologiLinux users