hello, my name is paolo and im having trouble with some php mysql scripting...
im creating a website for a community and it should be editable by any webmaster or by anyone with no web developing training at all.
so i created several sections and each can be editable by admins (register/login system knows who is an admin and who is not).
so at the modifying part of each section I created a form like this:
<form method='POST' action='$rootAdress/index.php?sec=his&mod=1&c=1&sql=1'>
<textarea rows='30' name='textoNuevo' cols='65'>$contenido</textarea>
<input type='submit' value='Enviar' class='submit'>
$contenido is the variable to edit for later be included at the sql table 'categorias'
$rootAdress is the adress of the domain. (if you are wondering what are the whole sec=his, mod=1,.. things... they are just variables at index.php that indicates which file to include...)
at the $rootAdress/index.php?sec=his&mod=1&c=1&sql=1 file i wrote this:
$textoNuevo = $_POST['textoNuevo'];
$query = "UPDATE categorias SET contenido='$textoNuevo' WHERE seccion = 'his'";
$doQuery = mysql_query($query)or die ('no se actualizó');
and this does not updates the 'contenido' value from table 'categorias'....
i did some tests and if i add this
$textoNuevo = $_POST['textoNuevo'];
$query = "UPDATE categorias SET contenido='$textoNuevo' WHERE seccion = 'his'";
$doQuery = mysql_query($query)or die ('no se actualizó');
it shows the info wrote by the user at the initial textarea.... but it just wont update the database...
so i thought the query was not "well-wrote" so i tried this
$textoNuevo = $_POST['textoNuevo'];
$textoNuevo = 'hello world';
$query = "UPDATE categorias SET contenido='$textoNuevo' WHERE seccion = 'his'";
$doQuery = mysql_query($query)or die ('no se actualizó');
and this worked... the contenido value from table categorias stored the value hello world!
i just dont know what is going on.. i dont know if when the data "travels" trough POST method it changes or something... even though i tried to identify the type of variable the form posted... and it is string... and the contenido value from table categorias is a varchar with 99 length...
im pretty sure is something stupid and im just retard or something.. but i just didnt find out what is wrong.. please if any1 knows how to solve this answer me... oh, and sorry for my terrible english!!
hallo from colombia!