Windows 95,98 and NT4 had quite a few install options see screenie.
as far as im aware it allowed you to untick software you didnt want to install such as games etc.
currently with windows 7 if i didnt want a MS program thats provided with windows 7 i would have to install windows 7, and then uninstall the program i dont want such as media player and most likely need a reboot to complete.
It would be nice if MS provided an extra screen at install time asking which applicatiosn i wish to install. any i dont want i can jut untick. of course i want to install later i can go to add/remove programs and install it from the dvd.
Who thinks being able to be able to choose not to install programs at install time (without something like Vlite) is a good idea?
for example with vista it comes with windows mail which i dont use but i still have to patch it every so often because something to still exploit it. lukcly no mail client comes with 7 but the same example could be used with IE. if the program isnt installed its one less security risk and also means a leaner system.