Well.. I got a program that 0wns everyone on countdown. You guessed it. I am idling after getting my degree, and there was ABSOLUTELY nothing on tv, and so I saw this british staple show. And got irritated that a spotty git beat me. Don't get mad... get even.
Hax3d together an anagram generator in java that works quite well. I suppose I just need a better dictionary to improve things - standard usr/bin/words or wherever it is.
Now all I need to do is figure out the number generator.. darn it. don't really see how that is possible without trying out EVERY possible combination of + - * /, and some kind of range limiter saying that if it gets within 5 of the target it should print out the order, stop calculating this stream, then try another path.
OR. as I am typing this. How about simply taking the target number, and trying to reach 0 ? hmm.. that seems a bit better.