Originally posted by tonicblue
From My experience
Start with Visual Basic or ASP (more or less the same) so you have a basic understanding of what the hell is going on. after a month or so when u can problem solve and you know how to use all statements and loops and lots of other stuff, (a good knowlege of how it works), Look at PHP or C/C++. If ur switching to Linux PHP or C/C++ would be a nice one but they look impossible to learn if you have no experience.
If you find it like this, fair enough, but in my experience, PHP syntax and programing is much easier than ASP's - loops especially, i don't know how you could make loops any simpler in PHP.
PHP loop example :
PHP Code:
//make array
$numberarray = array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
//for each number of the array, set it to $singlenumber while in the loop
foreach ( $numberarray as $singlenumber )
//start loop
//say the number and start a new line
echo "number $singlenumber <br>";
//end loop
super easy