Me and Jiff were talking earlier and he reckons its likely to be the NTL Cable network full of PC's with viruses...., this am.....2 minutes ago...MY PC tried to access the web with Messenger.....something which I have DISABLED in Options to not run at startup. Its only still there cos Microsloth insists on it for Email to work
Now, I realise that most of you Hardware/Software Gurus HATE Zonealarm.....but so far I have managed to keep on the right side of it.
It is showing about one ping style attack every 15 seconds!
And Messemger attempted yo connect 20 times in rapid succession
Wassup ? Am I virused?
This is what is having a go:
Most are ICMP (ping request?) type 8 subtype 0
Some are UDP (netbios request?) banging at my 137 port ! ooh err missus
Messenger is trying to get out of my PC via Port :1900 from my IP address....and also from an IP address I dont recognise as mine...cos its got a different final number !
I guess its time to put bloody Norton back on...I tried Housecall viruese found, but as its free online, I guess its not exactly up to date....or is it?
Go one.....shout at know you want to !