Well yeh i'm making a little ICS box which also will have the firewall as well along with web cachine etc.
I remember the last time i tried this and eventually needed a mate around. I've made a little linux box, i'll have to post some pics of it 'cos it's quite sweet. It glows and stuff, you know what i mean
I need to install linux on it, in this case i'm using Suse as this distro was given to me by my cousin who's an open source programmer so it's handy. He's helping me set it up but only once it's installed.
I can't remember how to do it! There's loads of scary options to choose from. I need the system to be a dual boot of xp and suse just in case i have problems with the linux os and have to boot into xp for the ICS.
The specs of the system are:
Athlon 800 with uprated HS and fan adapter with silent YS-Tech 80mm on it(unlocked)
MSI-6340 version 1 mobo
2 x 128MB of PC100
nvidia vanta 16MB
40GB Maxtor 7200rpm 2MB cache HDD
DVD-ROM drive
CD-RW drive
Floppy drive
300W Hyper something dodgy PSU
17" CRT monitor
Yeh it's quite a cool system to say it's made out of bits i found lying around my room. It's also got a blue cathode and see through IDE glow in the dark with neon string cables in it as well.
A nice little window kit and temperature sensors mounted into the first drive bay as well......and most important of all, it actually works!
So basically all i need to know is how to install Suse as it has lots of different options to choose from.