I'm still learning php and don't fully understand
You mean replacing this
PHP Code:
} else {
echo 'Please fill in all fields';
with this
PHP Code:
} elseif ( !isset($valid) || $valid == false) {
echo 'Please fill in all fields';
and this
PHP Code:
//reminder question and anwser
$rquestion = addslashes($_POST['rquestion']);
$ranwser = addslashes($_POST['ranwser']);
//user register post infomation
$adduser = addslashes($_POST['adduser']);
$newpass = addslashes($_POST['newpass']);
$newpass2 = addslashes($_POST['newpass2']);
//user email
$email = addslashes($_POST['email']);
with this
PHP Code:
foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value)
$_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
so it's like this
PHP Code:
//Start user season
//Form post
foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value)
$_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
//user ip and encription
$md5pass = md5($newpass);
$userip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$confirmreg = rand(100000,999999);
//Include the header and config
include "includes/config.php";
include "includes/header.php";
//Passwords not matched
if($newpass != $newpass2)
echo"<b>Passwords do not match</b>";
//email activation link
if(isset($confirm)) {
$confirmuser = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT user FROM cmsusers WHERE confirmreg = $confirm"));
$confuser = $confirmuser[0];
$done = @mysql_query("UPDATE cmsusers SET confirmed = 'yes' WHERE user = '$confuser'");
if($done) echo "Account activated, <a href='login.php?log=in'>login</a>";
//Submit the form and add to database
$validate = array('adduser', 'newpass', 'newpass2', 'rquestion', 'ranwser', 'email');
$valid = true;
if(trim($_POST[$validate[$i]]) == ''){
$valid = false;
if($valid == true){
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO cmsusers(user,pass,level,confirmed,email,userip,rquestion,ranwser,confirmreg)
VALUES('".$adduser."','".$md5pass."','0','no','".$email."','".$userip."','".$rquestion."','".$ranwser."','".$confirmreg."')") or die(mysql_error());
echo "Thankyou for registering at ".$sitename.", your new account has been created with username is <b>".$adduser."</b> and password <b>".$newpass."</b> \n\n We need to confirm your email address, a email with a confirmation link and login details has been sent to ".$email." all you need to do now is follow the link to activate your account at ".$sitename."\n\n";
} elseif ( !isset($valid) || $valid == false) {
echo 'Please fill in all fields';
//Message to be sent to new user in email
$message = "Hello $adduser,\n\nThankyou for registering at $sitename\n\n Your account has been created with username of: $adduser and account password: $newpass. you need to activate your account by following this link: $siteaddr$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?confirm=$confirmreg \n\n";
//Send a email to new user
mail($email,"Registration at ".$sitename, $message, $from_add);
echo "\n\n<a href='index.php'>Back to mainpage</a>";
//form here
Edit: can't be because that does not work :/