No adware. No exceptions
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Dear Downloaders,
When it comes to fighting unwanted adware and spyware, CNET has always been in your corner. During the past few years, we've brought you the best tools and tips in our Spyware Center, and we've maintained a strict policy toward adware by allowing only software that discloses advertising partnerships during installation.
This week, we've upped the ante: we're launching a new zero-tolerance policy toward all bundled adware. That means every time you download software from, you can trust we've tested it and found it to be adware-free--period. (See how we test.)
Why are we taking this extra step? In your letters, user reviews, and polls, you told us bundled adware was unacceptable--no matter how harmless it might be. We want you to know what you're getting when you download from CNET, and no other download site can promise you will.
Can we guarantee you'll never get adware or spyware on your computer? Unfortunately, no. For that reason, we strongly encourage--no, make that beg--you to take extra steps to keep your computer free of all unwanted adware and spyware. Download and install a reputable antispyware scanner today. For a list of the ones we recommend, please visit our Spyware Center.
I welcome your feedback on this important change.
Happy downloading!
Scott Arpajian
Senior vice president and chief downloader, CNET