Hi folks, BIG trouble.

Had a spooky meltdown last night, I did many things that day deinstalled NAV2k4, installed ZA security suite and all seemed well, until several hours later. windows messenger "encountered a problem", among other strangeness so I rebooted, i had a few worrying primary disk not recognised and similar problems over a few attempted resets (yeah, its coming out as soon as I get my data off it!!!) but eventually things stabilised with windows failing to load hal.dll.
I chucked in an old win98 boot floppy and ran chkdsk.
It found an error, resulting in a dir called FOUND.000 containing FILE0000.CHK thru FILE5002.CHK, further rooting around revealed a 64K file called system32 in the windows dir which when checked in notepad has all the filenames in text you would find in windows/system32 and other binary stuff (I'm speaking to you from a two minute old install to windows2 dir so have none of my cool tools like textpad ).

So questions!
1. Is there any way to reconstruct the original system32 directory from the FILEnnnn.CHK fragments in FOUND.000 and the system32 file?
2. If so would it be a seriously bad idea to restore it and boot up that windows (I really dont want to have to start installing everything and tweak everything and etc).

Any and all help begged for!