Ok i have the following problem with this Site im working on. When that site is viewd with FF,Opera or NS, "image one" at the top of the screen breaks out of the centre column and overlaps into the column on the right:
Screenshoot (See red circle):
The above image is exceptable thats how i want it to go when viewed at a lower screen width/resolution. However if you view that site with IE6 then reduce the window width the following happens:
IE6 tries to contain the image within the centre column (whiteish area) and so the strucutre of the site breaks. IE for some reason sticks the image further down the page:
As you can see IE wont allow the image to break out of the centre column when its width is wider than the centre column.And then everything breaks down like i said above. So i was wondering if there was any way to fix this issue so that IE displays the image like in the first screenshot i provided. Any help would be appreciated