I'm working with Worldpay (for my sins) and have done in the past. Last time I developed something for it, I had real problems trying to get the callback feature to work, which essentially sends the information on the transaction back to a page specified by me using HTTP POST.
Now I couldn't get it working with VBScript set up to handle the callback, and I was just wondering if it's a limitation of the language, since the documentation states 'you will need a capture script of some kind, such as a CGI-script, PHP or Perl script' and I wasn't sure if these languages had some features which made them more suitable than VBScript.
So my question is, can anyone tell me if VBScript is capable of handling a Callback using HTTP POST (I thought it could since it handles them every time a form is submitted, but just call me a dumbass since it doesn't want to work), and whether anyone else has encountered the same problems.