I deserted html a good while ago as i discovererd dreamweaver (i know i know im a lazy assed fool) Well i was wondering if i still 'had it' by making summin in raw html as dreamweaver likes to do its own thing sometimes . Well i guess i dont 'got it' no more cos it isnt working properly and i duno why
<table width=750 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td width=218 height=105 valign="top" class="background1">left one</td>
<td width=313 height=229 rowspan=2 valign="top" class="backgroundmain"><br>main</td>
<td width=219 height=125 valign="top" class="background3">right one</td>
<td width=218 height=124 rowspan=1 valign="top" class="background4">left two</td>
<td width=219 height=104 valign="top" class="background5"> </td>
Problem is when i display this table in my browser it all looks fine EXCEPT the table which i put in bold wont align properly its assuming the next row begins at 125 px rather than 105px
I tried row spanning which didn make it align correctly but in turn f*d up everything else