Basically so I know if my HDD goes about all the awesome freeare I have on my computer, is there anything that will scan the registry and start menu and create a list of all the software I have....
creatively lazy!
Basically so I know if my HDD goes about all the awesome freeare I have on my computer, is there anything that will scan the registry and start menu and create a list of all the software I have....
creatively lazy!
Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs?
~ I have CDO. It's like OCD except the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be. ~
PC: Win10 x64 | Asus Maximus VIII | Core i7-6700K | 16GB DDR3 | 2x250GB SSD | 500GB SSD | 2TB SATA-300 | GeForce GTX1080
Camera: Canon 60D | Sigma 10-20/4.0-5.6 | Canon 100/2.8 | Tamron 18-270/3.5-6.3
You are a genius
That's my last resort - (tbh hadn't thought of that!) .... any easy thing that makes a text file or something!
or just look in the registry
That requires even more effort, and no point and click, have to type regedit (although in the list allready) but still. I know there is a program which does it (not as simply - has loads of other features) but I had it on the front of a mag when I bought them years ago!
But thanks anyway.... I'll use a combination:
@Echo Off
If #%1#==## Goto :syntax
Set targetcomp=%1
Nbtstat -a %targetcomp% | Find /I "Host not found" > NUL
If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 Echo %targetcomp% is unavailable at this time & Goto :EOF
Echo Installed Software for %targetcomp%
Echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
For /f "tokens=1,2,*" %%i in ('Reg Query \\%targetcomp%\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /S ^| Find /I "DisplayName" ^| Find /V /I "Quiet"') Do Call :getappname "%%k"
Goto :EOF
Set keyname=%1
If %keyname%=="" goto :EOF
Echo %keyname:"=%
Goto :EOF
Echo Syntax : queryinstalledsoftware ^<computername^>
Echo Example: queryinstalledsoftware wkstn01
A small part of some more complicated Windows Scripting code i wrote last week to allow the IT manager here to gain access to all networked machines here and gain access to what was installed.
Copy the code to notepad and save it as a .cmd file, preferably named queryinstalledsoftware
-- Hexus Meets Rock! --
Cheers Tig, will do that this evening. Thanks
Just tried, excellent. MANY MANY THANKS
Last edited by Matt1eD; 23-09-2005 at 11:21 AM.
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