So you’ve heard about and now you want to get on and start helping out in the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You don’t just want to do it on you own though, you want to be a part of the community don’t you J. Okay you going to want to do 2 things
1, Get SETI up and running
2, Join The SETI Team J
What you need.
Everything you need to start crunching you own WU (work units) for SETI is in this ZIP File for you to download.
How to set it up
1, Simpley unzip the file and place it in a folder somewhere on your drive (i.e. c:\seti)
2, Run the “SETI Driver.exe” (This is what sorts out your units allowing you to download more than one set of unprocessed data to CACHE them for later use)
3, You will something like this…
Mimic the settings you see above then click “Transmit” this will begin the process of loging you on for the 1st time
4, You will see this screen
- If you are a new user Type 1 then hit enter/return
- Now enter your email address and hit enter/return
- Answer the following yes/no question by typing Y or N and hitting enter/return
- Now enter the nickname you wish to be known as
Answer Y to the question about displaying name on website
For the following Question about country, the UK is #213 (enter 213)- The last 2 questions ask for your postcode and what type of computer you mainly use for this project.
- You will come to a part where is asks if everything is Correct, if so type Y otherwise type N to go back and change something.
You should now be crunching!
Now to join the team!
Fill in your email address and the password that you will of been mailed (if not, you can request it from that page)
Done! You should now be a proud new member to the SETI team!
To get a better picture of your stats, and to see how the whole team is doing.
This page will keep you in check. You will only begin to see your stats the day after you join as it labels you as 'NEW' for day one.
Good luck, happy crunching and thanks for joining the team!!