based on an earlier thread I participated in with regard to mail relaying and some of the problem people where having I decided to do a bit futher research in technologies I'm not really familier with in regard to mail relay/routing.
I have now stumbled across a situation which could prevent small users/business using exchange.
I'm running my tests against 3 ISP's (unamed)
2 of the ISP's are fine as the mail relay detects that mail coming from my host is on their network and it using port 25 so therefore it allows relaying (one of ISP's forced me to put my domain name on their relay lists).
The 3rd ISP requires authentication for the mail relay service. Looking at exachange it cannot actually provide authenticated relaying (so basiclly a username/password with/without TLS to the smarthost).
I can see this not being a problem in bigger companies with a more standard mail configuration but for smaller companies that need to relay this would be a problem.
Basiclly has anyone used a secure relaying configuration within exchange.