This is probably a simple thing to do, but my mind has gone blank.
Basically I have a php include file called This script simply holds a list of key variables used thoughout the website. For example it has variables called $copyright and $siteTitle which hold data corresponing to the copyright information and the information between the <title> tags. At the momemt im going into the script and changing the values of the variables manually. However i need to be able to edit their content via forms.
So for example I might have an input box which displays the current copyright information but when I change the information and submit the form the $copyright variable is updated and the new information is displayed in the input box. If I were do go into the scrip and look at the variable $copyright it would hold the updated information. How might this be done? Ive seen it done on a lot of CMS, mambo/Joomla in particular have huge config files, but I cant work out how they get the data into the variables.