Hiya ,
I have been asked if I would be able to create a simple calendar to allow salespeople to add remove times for appointments etc. It would need to be in a monthly view and give admin rights to one user, so that no malicious appointment swapping can be done (I guess).
Just having a look and the solution seems to lie with asp.net calendar control. Is this the best solution? Is there a Simpler one ? I am interested in taking this on as a project but wondering what the best method would be. The main thing is that it only needs the days of the week layed out in month format and the ability to add lets say a 2pm apptment and show that that is filled to the other reps and allow them to add appointments only to the days times that have not been filled.
I have shot miself in the pocket here by mentioning google calendar (which we have just tested and works well ) but have also mentioned that as it is in beta it may not be reliable and there is no accesable central store for the data should there be an internet outage or whatever. (not really neccesary for it to be remotely accessed either tbh ) so am just seeing what other suggestions you guys might be able to come up with ??
Cheers in advance and hope that made some sense. Any links to tutorials or similar would also be most helpful