Do you have a linux router box that's running all day?
Why not run seti@home on it? At least it will be putting all of its CPU power to use.
Get the linux version of seti.
If that doesn't work, you can get it here.
I extracted it (for example) to the folder: /seti
If you run /seti/setiathome it will take you through the login/registration process.
Then, in future, run a command like this:
nice -n 19 /seti/setiathome 2>&1 > /seti/seti.log & echo $! > ./
This command sets setiathome to lowest priority - it will use any CPU time NOT being used by anything else (or share it with another minimum priority process.) It also frees up the standard input so you can carry on working (and you won't kill it when you quit the console.) In addition to this, the output of the program is written to /seti/seti.log in case you want to view it. Also, /seti/ contains the process id, so you can get the pid and kill it if you want.
Working fine for me so far, infact I made a script to start seti and added it to the init process when my server boots.
I do hope somebody tries it!
edit: I just realised this is probably better off in dist computing - oops! I guess the powerful ones will move it if they choose to...