Hey guys, everytime I boot my computer, it runs chkdsk... this makes a slow bootup even slower.
I've had a look on the web, and it says to run 'fsutil dirty query #:' and then run 'chkdsk /x /f #:' (where # is the drive letter) to fix the problem.
Except that it doesnt, i cant run a chkdsk on my c: drive as windows claims its in use (suprising that!). Scandisk runs, but i cant tick the 'automatically fix file system errors' box for the same reason.
I've just rebooted, and apparently my C: drive is dirty. chkdsk (minus the /f parameter) gives:
Originally Posted by chkdsk
It's only been happening for a couple of days... the only thing i have done to my system in the past few days is run a Windows Update... so I'm assuming that this is the cause of the problems... but has anyone got a solution?