A little thread for you to comment on your web browser of choice & argue its case. I thought this might be fun. Right, I'll start:
I've been a big fan of CrazyBrowser for a long time (for those who don't know, CrazyBrowser gives the addition of Tabs to IE). Tabbed browsing is a great idea, and props to the Opera crew for coming up with it - unfortunately, like it or not, Internet Explorer is the industry standard (with many sites IE-only). Hence tabbed IE solutions offer most of the benefits of a browser like Opera or Mozilla but none of the bad points.
MyIE2, like CrazyBrowser, is a tabbed IE. However, unlike CrazyBrowser, it's far faster, supports skins, mouse gestures, has a plugin architecture (with many including the Flash save plugin or the Allow Right Click plugin which are useful for day-to-day browsing).
Basically, it offers the best of all worlds.
CrazyBrowser hasn't been updated for a year, and there's no point trying when they have tom compete with this masterpiece.