"Doing more exercise with less intensity, has all but destroyed the actual great value of weight training. Something must be done . . . and quickly." - Arthur Jones
The greatest fitness secrets are the simplest... A man named Arthur Jones understood this long before the leading doctors ever did, and today his work is finally being accepted by health clubs and physicians around the globe.
You can both under-work and over-work your muscles, for maximum performance you need to work them to failure and then rest for 1 week. Any more than this and you're wasting your time and energy. This is HIT.
If you want to see muscle-gain, it first relies on your genetics, not everyone can be big, but if you follow a HIT routine then you will reach your genetic potential in 18-24 months, after that, you cannot possibly get any larger than that without the aid of steroids (which are not only illegal but also VERY VERY bad for you, DO NOT EVER even think of trying them EVEN ONCE!!!!! They WILL KILL YOU sooner or later, they will RUIN YOUR LIFE.)
If you want to lose weight, then there's no better way than to exercise and eat properly. It takes an iron will to achieve results.
You don't have to go to the gym every day, you can go to the gym just one day a week, work out for 20 minutes or less, no more than 10 exercises, each exercise focusing on a different muscle, and eat targeting a specific muscle (isolated training). You train these muscles until failure, that means you will complete between 6-9 repetitions, using the *4-2-4 second rule
1) Contract your muscle for 4 seconds (raising the weight)
2) Hold the fully contracted position for 2 seconds
3) Extend your muscle for 4 seconds (lowering the weight)
*note: you don't need to stare at a clock, and you certainly don't need a stop-watch, just count in your head slowly as you're working out, and glance at the clock to see if you've been doing this exercise for over a minute. Your goal is to find a weight that causes your muscles to reach failure in 6-8 repetitions, meaning between 60-90 seconds in a single work-out (ie, chin-ups)
- If after one minute of exercise you are not sweating and tired, and your don't feel your muscle failing (unable to do any more repetitions) then you should increase the weight by 5-10% next time you work out (next week).
- You'll know that you've performed an exercise properly if afterwards you cannot repeat it, because your muscle should have reached failure and now it is useless.
One complete repetition should take 10 seconds. You can do the exercise more slowly, but not more quickly! Remember: SLOW AND STEADY! If you work out this way, this is HIT. And if you use HIT then you WILL improve your strength in the fastest and most efficient way!
Start out by exercising: gluteals (gluts), upper leg, abdominal, and lower back muscles.
Then: the upper back, pectoral and shoulders muscles, muscles of the upper arm, neck, lower leg and lower arm.
In terms of joints, this means: hips, knees, lumbar spine, shoulder joint, cervical spine, elbow joint, ankle, wrist.
- Whether you're male or female, proper exercise and diet are the keys to your physical success! You don't have to get big and bulky! You can work out, increasing the weight that you use until you are satisfied with how your body looks, and then stay at that weight, not ever increasing it, and you won't gain any more mass!
- Whether you're 25 years or 65 years of age, proper exercise and diet are the keys to your physical success. It has been proven in blind studies that exercise for elderly people has improved their walking speed, their memory, and their awareness, but more importantly it has alleviated much of their back-pains and muscular-skeletal problems that people associate with age.
- Find a gym that has GOOD expensive training MACHINES, they're much safer and more effective than free weights! Don't just join a gym, make sure it's convenient for you, and offers the highest quality service. Search Google about that gym and read what critics have had to say! Ask around, don't settle!
And remember the following: It isn't during working out that you get stronger, actually it's the opposite! When working out, your muscles become increasingly weaker (which is why each time you do a repetition, the next one becomes harder!). It is during proper rest (8 hours sleep at least per night) and with a proper diet (45g of protein minimum per day, proper vitamins and minerals, look for a complete supplement to take in the morning to help with V&M, perhaps a protein shake 1-2 hours before working out if you want to maximize muscle gain)... Once you work out a muscle, do not work it out again for 1 whole week of rest.
- If you work out every Monday or Tuesday for a month, then make sure you switch it up, and change the day to Thursday or Friday, and then change it back to Monday or Tuesday. (This is so that your muscles don't "get used" to your training regime, it will maximize performance).
Also see:
The New High Intensity Training - a glimpse at the book that every one serious about fitness should read [Presents the high intensity training philosophy with key training points, a specialized two-week course for developing certain areas of the body, a nutrition plan for boosting body mass, and stories of well-known HIT (High Intensity Training) users.]
When Arnold Schwarzenegger tried working out with Arthur Jones' method, he vomited and quit the first day, because it was "too hard" for him. Arnold had been used to working out for hours every day, several times per week... Arthur's HIT methods required Arnold to spend 20 solid minutes working out in a way which requires will power.
Sure, you can work out hours and hours, but you won't reach your genetic potential as quickly as you will using HIT--and you'll be wasting your time obviously--because you're over-training your muscles.
There's a lot of criticism against Arthur Jones from body builders, the guys who take steroids and spend their every waking hour in the gym, this is because if Arthur Jones' methods are right, then all of their work has been in vain, imagine how angry you would feel if you find out you've wasted years of your life doing something painful when you could've spent so much less time and achieved better results? Their criticism is uneducated at best, and at worse it is derived from unadulterated anger and spite.
I hope you find this helpful. Don't take my word for it though, try this method for a few weeks, most people who do, stick with it!