So, last time I posted in here I was losing some weight by doing press ups and sit ups, that worked ok but I went away on holiday and never got back into it. That was well over a year ago and since then I had some events in my life that lead me to get it sorted and I went from 14and a half stone to 11st 3. Once I had done that I decided it might be a good idea to build some muscle mass to help me look a bit better. never really been happy with my arms and read I could do a lot with dumbells so thats what I went for. Mainly been doing bicep curls chest presses, latteral raises, started with quite high reps and low weight (5kg per arm). i have been adding weight every week or so for 6 weeks and now I am up to 9kg per arm which is the maximum I can do with this set. My question is really about if its worth buying another set of weights or if I should just move weight from one of the dumbells to the other and do my arms one at a time. Is there any advantage to doing both at the same time or does it not matter?
Anybody got any recommendation on stuff I can do with dumbbells? Been using this page for ideas