Holland and Barrant occasionally have special offers regarding protein shakes. 50% off for the good, highly protein concentrated, yet tasty drinks....and you can mix it up with some flavours, such as strawberry's, banna's - virtually anything.
They have got an offer on right now, plus quidco cashback available: http://www.quidco.com/user/506832/40...nd-and-barrett
I wouldn't waste your money on all that powdered stuff it's whey (please pardon the pun!) too expensive and your kidneys have to process it all. Eat a healthy, varied diet and train hard as you do for fitness and strength.
You burn too many calories for bodybuilder-style muscle (as if anyone wants to look like that anyway) and you'd need steroids to get as hideously overweight and unhealthy as they are.
Free weights would help you more than machines for a bit of definition which is a better body-type than the flab you're likely to get from overloading your digestive system.
Hmm. I almost, but not quite, have to agree with Santa here for possibly the first time ever. If you're a 'gym bunny', doing the rounds of the weight machines and 30 minutes of cardio on whatever spiffy machine (treadmill/bike/'concentric thingy'), then you don't need extra protein over a normal diet because quite frankly you're not going to be putting on much muscle. I certainly wouldn't pay silly money for what is essentially dried milk powder in a fancy carton.
If you're serious about putting on muscle then you should be doing a free weight routine with increasingly heavy weights- like Stronglifts 5x5- and eating accordingly. I'm doing that, and in six weeks I've got my squat up from five sets of five at 120kg to three sets of five at 150kg. I'm struggling now though and I haven't really put on any weight. Clearly I need to eat more- but rather than spend out £30+ on a tub of whey, I'm more inclined to drink 4pts of whole milk a day- cost at Lidl, £1.*
*I'm genuinely sorry about what that's doing to British farmers, but I'm not going to be a 1 man consumer army.
Whew, I'm gonna have to sit down .
Tbh, all this big tub of powdered stuff is a waste of time. You could feed yourself for a week for the cost of one tub - it's marketed cleverly but please don't fall for it.
If you're training regularly it is for health and/or looks. Swigging pints of powder isn't healthy and it will smooth you out so you lose out on 'looks' too.
Eat a varied diet, eat only when you're hungry (and don't skip meals) and get your protein from meat, esp chicken. Personally, I'd supplement the whole milk with plenty of bananas.
A lean, athletic physique is much better than a load of muscle (water) blubber and energy-wise you will feel like a coiled spring. Many bodybuilders used drugs because overloading their digestive system makes them too tired to train and flatulent.
I'd agree with m.a.miah that unless you're looking to gain mass or are doing some heavy resistance training protein supps aren't required. But if you are, you're on to a good thing with myprotein, i'd reccommend hurricane xs but try a small bag first because i know it gives some people really bad spots!
Via NHS News : Debate over protein drinks for exerciseCant say I agree personally, being a fan of protein shakes before & after a workout. Worked for me at the time.Protein drinks ‘are no help for athletes and aren’t better than a balanced diet
i tend to follow the rule that when not working out eat no more than a palm sized amount of protein a day, when wrking out ( for muscle mass) eat 1.5 / 2 times that much. seems to work for me, and i doin;t eat it all in one go - your body needs it spaced out, and especially after working out!
MyProtein, Phd and Reflex are the ones i use. Don't buy maximuscle. It's the most overhyped and overpriced brand you can get. Apart from Apple
Previously I was trying to build mass, so I was taking 2 protein shakes a day, a little bit of creatine and multivits. Didn't like on the extra weight I was putting on, so I dropped the creatine, and changed my diet (from eat whatever I like aslong as it was filled with protein) to a lean muscle one, that consists of getting in alot of protein with little fat as possible. Much prefer this one.
If I remember correctly, the isolate why myprotein do has less calories than the other stuff. Tastes disgusting with water, so go for semi skimmed milk, or water mixed with milk.
Don't rely on protein shakes as your main source of protein. Get that from food.. Use protein shakes when you aren't getting enough protein through food.
Alot of Myprotein users here! If anybody would like some £50 vouchers, for £43 let me know
consuming protein is no harm unless you are consuming such a large amount. ideally you should be having 1g of protein per pound (bodyweight). this is healthy and it will repair/build any cells after workout.
I've always found protein powders don't agree with my digestive system. Plenty of wind and fun on the toilet. I stick to a high protein diet and has given me significant results.
For the original posters requirements I don't think it would be necessary to take extra protein, would seem like a waste of money.
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