I was a pretty avid gym goer, went to the gym 2-3 times a week and then played football once a week (but I ran myself senseless - I was there for the exercise & laugh more then the football). After almost a year of this I am at a pretty high level of fitness, both stamina wise and muscle mass wise. This was all alongside a fairly healthy diet & virtually no puddings/high sugar drinks etc. At the gym it was all free weights and then swimming.
However, my career needed a step up and I have changed jobs. My new job means I am working on average 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I then have a 45min drive home to see the girlfriend. My weekends consist of seeing my daughter (300 mile round trip, same day), seeing my family (300 mile round trip, over a weekend) or spending time with my girlfriend. Once upon a time I used to have free time!
Now I am paranoid about loosing my fitness and muscle mass. I know this might be impossible due to the current lifestyle but I want to minimise it as best i can. I wont be able to get back into the gym seriously for at least 3-4 months so would like tips on hows to minimise my muscle mass.
I currently skip breakfast (well, have a big class of fruit smoothie), get to work for around 8am and have a banana and vending machine coffee. A few hours later I will have a couple of tuna sandwhichs (brown bread, no butter) and a packet of crisps. few hours later 1 more tuna & brown sandhwich and after that have the last tuna sandwhich. For snacks I eat apples & bananas during the day, alongside vending machine coffee & hot choc. A glass or wine or two most evenings.
I get home around 7pm and have a home cooked dinner, usually one of these Jamie Oliver 30min meals. Then go to bed for an early night. In short I have 4 small meals then a dinner when I get home. Apples & bananas as snacks during the day.
Can anyone advise on what I could to do prevent muscle loss, or weight gain over the next few months? I am going to try and do push ups every few nights, but I seriously do struggle to find any real time 7 days a week that isn't spent catching up on something, or doing odd jobs I've put off!
Cheers guys
edit: Just to add at work i spend 80% of my time wandering around a manufacturing line with safety boots on, crawling over vehicles and up and down a flight of stairs.