Just sharing a favorite of mine! It's a great meal to have for later in the day or after you've had a work out. It's low carbs and will keep you full warding off those urges to snack!
- 1 Tin Tuna (water preferred over oils)
- Handful Plain Rolled Oats (eg Quaker Oats)
- One egg
- Spices/Seasoning (I go for cayenne pepper and black pepper!)
Take a mixing bowl and put in your tuna, egg and rolled oats and mash and mix it all up, it will form a sort of oaty eggy mince looking substance! Spice/Season to taste
Heat a frying pan and apply some low cal spray (I would always recommend using a non stick pan and low cal sprays for your cooking)
From your tuna mash you should be able to fashion two decent size 'burgers' and stick them in the frying pan.
Once you're burgers have browned both sides you're all done! Serve with Salad/Rocket/Asparagus.