A great snack food for you! Cottage Cheese!
It can initially not be that appetizing to most, understandably! It's texture is very odd and it's not too easy on the eyes! But this ugly duckling is a great food for satisfying your hunger between meals!
Ryvita crisp breads are often looked down on as the diet slices of cardboard boasting little to no flavour but team them with cottage cheese and it's a brilliant snack! High protein and good carbs to keep your energy up until your next meal.
As with many healthy foods, many imposters exist which are not the healthy option you're looking for! These well-wrapped devils come in the form of full fat cottage cheese, reduced-fat and the many variations which have added ingredients to improve the taste!
Check on the back for high levels of saturated fats and salt.
If you're wanting to extra punch then go for the pots with chive and onion added.