I've recently become a bit of a fitness enthusiast. I went circuit training earlier in the year and my levels of fitness were so appaling it pretty much shocked me.
Since then I've become a member at my local gym, work out for about an hour and a half, three times a week.
I'm eating a lot better, fitness is improving all the time and I feel a lot better too. I'm really happy with my progress.
When it comes to eating, I still enjoy myself with a few treats from time to time as I think I'll work it off again at the gym. I don't eat junk food unless I'm out with friends or unless I have relatives staying over, then we might end up ordering something.
But how far should you go with health eating?
My sister is almost a fanatic. She has books on the subject and takes it all pretty seriously.
She no longer eats cereal as she insists that milk is really bad for you after the age of 3! That statement alone is tough for me to digest as I love my cereal at all times of day.
As part of my healthy eating I just try to ensure I get my 5 a day. I eat loads of fruit and veg now and really enjoy it.
My physique is generally good, I'm in good shape but I personally think I have a bit of a belly. Not much of a belly at all, and not noticeable but it's not the rock hard abs that I want hehe.
I'm therefore thinking about getting serious with my eating too, but the question is, how serious should you take it?