Our N4100+ is set with the FTP server active since the beginning.

I have created several shared directories which we have been using for a few weeks. I want now to be able to access some of these directories remotely via an FTP Client, plus use a new directory for purely file sharing facility with Customers.

For this purpose I installed the FTP module.

I am able to "see" the directories I created initially and any directory I created after the FTP module installation using an FTP Client.

I have then uninstalled the FTP module: I can no longer see the initially created directories but no problem with the directories I create now.

Any idea why?

Where can I find some more detailed doc about the FTP server of the N4100+?

Next step would have been the install of the SSH module but sounds quite concerning without a minimum "user" doc for sftp: anybody's done something?

Note: I have tried to another port such as 55021 or 10021 instead of 21 and it does not work. Is there any non-documented limitation though the SW allows to change it?
