Found some time this morning and tested this and yes, you are right, this ventrilo seems to run on the thecus without further changes.
I downloaded it, tar -xfz in the directory ventrilo and found a new directory ventsrv then.
cd ventsrv and ./ventrilo_srv started the server with some output. I show details here:
When I inspected the running processes with ps, I found ventrilo active:
root@ ps | grep ventr
30795 root 704 S ./ventrilo_srv
There was no problem or error mentioned.
When I run nmap, I found:
[root@syo]~ # nmap
Starting Nmap 4.62 ( ) at 2008-08-06 10:29 CEST
Interesting ports on
Not shown: 1705 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
443/tcp open https
548/tcp open afp
631/tcp open ipp
850/tcp open unknown
2000/tcp open callbook
2049/tcp open nfs
MAC Address: 00:14:FD:11:30:AA (Thecus Technology)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 568.886 seconds
So, there seems to be no further port open for the ventrilo.
I don't know enough about that stuff and my time is over now, but /etc/services at least shows not a lot of free open ports for the NAS. Somehow, you probably have to give the ventrilo server a chance to open one port and listen to incoming calls on it.