I appologize if this is the wrong forum, but the actual Thecus forums seems... dead
I would like to know how the Thecus N2200 holds up the the statements below
i am presently running a Buffalo Linkstation Duo Pro (1TB)
(actually just got it today)
and i must say that i am not pleased with this product and will be sending it back immediately.. the web connection/FTP is lame to nearly nonfunctional and the entire interface (Admin GUI and WEB GUI) are extremely slow.
What i am looking for is...
actual web streaming capability in VIDEO as well as audio.
(to sit there at work during dead times and stream a video to where i am at much like i was watching Hulu or such.)
(the Linkstation apparently only streams audio and it sounds like its been put through a high pitched blender)
UPNP AV capability (or dnla) to allow my WD Live Media Player load the videos and audio files on my TV through the network/NAS
Ability to handle subfolders and sub-subfolders (multimedia/music/artist/album/file.mp3)
(the linkstation only does (folder/sub/name.mp3 unless i am directly adding a folder with subs in it to the main share))
respectable speed for transfers
(the linkstation only does about 20 gigs an hour)
Can the NAS (Thecus N2200) handle running with just one drive present?
Thanks for your time.