I'm experiencing trouble with NFS shares from my Thecus N7700. Firmware is 2.01.09.
The directories are exported to linux clients, rw to any host (*) with full access from client root accounts. This all works well. The problem occurs when one of the NFS clients reboots (or just umounts the share): when the client tries to mount the share, I get permission denied errors:
mount: mount to NFS server 'metnas' failed: System Error: Connection refused(retrying)
Typical fstab entry on the client is:
# Home directories
metnas:/raid1/data/swdev/home /usr1/home nfs hard,intr,bg 0 0
I resolve this by stopping and starting NFS on the N770 then 'mount -a'. A simple workaround, but I can't have this weakness in our network so I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
Perhaps related are these messages in /var/log/messages on the client:
Feb 2 22:01:59 geosat-dps kernel: portmap: server not responding, timed out
Feb 2 22:01:59 geosat-dps kernel: lockd: server not responding, still trying
rpcinfo -p (the N7700) gives:
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - Connection refused
I may be wrong, but I expect any NFS server to be running portmapper and a bunch of rpc services. The following processes are running on the N7700:
root@ ps|grep rpc
4958 root SW< [rpciod/0]
15396 root 188 S /opt/nfs-utils/sbin/rpc.rquotad
15408 root 804 S /opt/nfs-utils/sbin/rpc.mountd
15410 root 688 S /opt/nfs-utils/sbin/rpc.statd
15423 root 476 S /opt/nfs-utils/sbin/rpc.idmapd
root@ ps |grep lock
35 root SW< [kblockd/0]
15398 root SW [lockd]
but no portmap.
The binary does exist in /sbin/portmap and running it manually invokes the process, but no joy from rpcinfo on the clients. The process exits shortly afterwards.
Any suggestions most appreciated.