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Thread: Cable ties and stuff - BBC Three: Real Hustle

  1. #1
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    Cable ties and stuff - BBC Three: Real Hustle

    To all,

    What do you expect at 2:00 am on BBC Three? porno - no!! But what I did find was one of your shop customer's being conned by the trio from the real hustle series, I was like what the.... Wow Yoyo Tech on BBC Three - you bunch of actors, next youll be joining the F.A.G. (Film Actors Guild) from TeamAmerica!

    Anyway onto my real point, Cable Ties and such.
    I will come to Totenham Court road tomorrow and have a browse for cable tidy kits. What I have brought before is this elastic mesh stuff and those zip things (to hold wires together). Hopefully we can make a deal for this as I am quite poor..
    I dont know exactly where you shop is, I tried ringing 118 247 (directories) and asking for Yoyo Tech but they didnt have it. There is a map on here, but which side is it on, the Virgin side or the Theatre side and obviously I walk down that road - towards Angel Street or something like that (Totenham Court Road), then something White - I dunno. Seems a bit complex now this post.

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Registered User YOYOtech - Kul's Avatar
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    Hey GeorgeB, Thanxs for your weird and wonderful comment hmm!!!
    Team America!! very interesting

    Anyways, getting to us, we are half way down Tottenham Court Road, on the Virgin side, look out for the Nat west bank, next is Windmill Street, and your there

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    thank you, do you know the prices of the cable kits
    secondly what do you have to offer, more selection than the online shop?


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