Im in the process of overclocking my Q6600. I have the B3 stepping and so far i am at 3106mhz, with the FSB at 345 and the temps at 47c(under load), and a voltage of 1.38125.
Do these figures look safe & correct? Once i start getting round the 347 mark it starts to fail. So far, prime95 has been running for 5mins and touch wood, no problems.
ideally id like to try and get to 3.2ghz (goal i set myself), but is this realistic with these steppings? I am still very new to this so i am just changing the FSB up in steps of 1 or 2, then altering the voltage when it fails. So far i am stuck at 247 though, and desbite having the voltage up to around the low 1.4 mark it still BSOD when loading vista/in vista. Is this the limit of my chip, or is there anything else i can try?
My PC is under the 'My Specs' panel, and im running vista 64 with cpuz, easytune 5pro and prime 95.
edit: iv got the Artic freezer pro 7 cooler, and after 5 tests on prime 95 it stopped due to an error. Second test(no changes) iv run is at test 9 now and no problems (touch wood) but as the first one failed, this one will prob go after a while aswell im guessing.
edit2: BSOD on 10th test. going back down to 343 FSB, with the same voltage.