Some of you may remember the thread I made earlier this week on using 4 DIMM's and getting my system to boot with the RAM set to 1066MHz. Well, I sorted it out by swapping the pairs around, but now I get another problem.
Until now, I've used the system without issue, but using an FSB: DRAM ration of 1:1.5. I was using an FSB of 355MHz, and so had 1066MHz as the clock for the RAM, without issue. However, today, I tried using the bog-standard non-overclocked FSB, and the ratio of 1:2 to get 1066MHz. This gave me a cascade of freezes, reboots, BSOD's etc.
I'm running memtest right now, and a third of the way into the first pass yields no errors. I'll leave it going for a few more hours. I don't think it's the RAM though.
What could the problem be? Does the motherboard not like FSB: DRAM ratios higher than 1:1.5 when using all 4 banks for memory? Could increasing the MCH voltage solve this?