Continued from
After deciding my first shot took up too much space & didn't hinge as I'd wanted I thought I'd have another pop.
Firstly I got my laptop, a poundland chopping borad, some meccano style stuff, a cheap canvas frame, some hinges.
boring pic of parts
Putting these together with some small meccano parts gave me this.
Side view
The back looks messy but oh well!
Back again
I drilled some small holes in the front, hammered in motherboard standoffs and used case screws to hold the screen onto the front. For the back I used more meccano.
Side together
[url=]Front with bare wood/url]
to tidy up the bare wood I used the canvas to sover the whole front of the chopping board, some holes for wires and the screen screwed on & it looks ok. I imagine it'll get very dirty very quickly so this is probably only a short term thing.
At the top the hinges are screwed directly into the board. The wooden strip is part of the canvs frame & will need to be replaced with some hardwood as it's very brittle & weak.
So that's it for now. On my to-do list is:
- New piece of wood to mount hinges & screw into cabinet.
- Replace canvas with something more hardwearing or somehow seal it.
- Wood to cover the visible laptop from the sides, probably something a bit nice. Thinking of maple but it's expensive & not sure if it'd go with the colourscheme.
- Some sort of handle to pull the screen down with secured onto the bottom.
- some sort of catch (magnetic) to hold it in an upright position when not in use.
Regarding the last 'to-do' If anyone has some neodymium magnets on the cheap that'd be great