I was wondering what people did for their final year projects at college/university? I guess it would provide an interesting insight into how technology has moved on over the years and how computing-related courses have changed.
Just state the course name, the year you did your final year project and a one-paragraph decsription of what you did, problems you had to overcome and technology involved.
To get the ball rolling:
Course: Computer Science BSc
Date: 1986
Project: 3D Kitchen Designer
Description: Two of us worked together on BBC Model B computers to create a 3D Kitchen Designer. We attached an A4 graphics tablet to it (the type with a pen-shaped stylus) and wrote the driver to make it work. We also wrote some speech synthesis software so it could talk to you! The design part was based on our graphics course using 3D wire-frame graphics. You set out the dimensions of your kitchen and, using the graphics tablet, picked standard shaped floor and wall units and placed them into the wire-frame display of the kitchen. You could then rotate the kitchen on a 3D axis and 'walk' into it.