Has anyone else played this amazing game yet? or been reading up about it? Its only available in Asia at present, all though some people have been importing it (been out since feb 2009) gets its us/euro release this october.
Friend of mine came back from HK with it and i played it last night, i had heard about it and read the great reviews but to get to play it was a treat. If you love Action RPG games will be right up your street. Is kind of like a mix of a dark version of the Oblivion rpg/God of War like action game. Action wise think God of War but with full rpg elements. Choose 1 of 10 class's/level up etc increases skills/stats/emchant items. Its not just a simple hack and slash, when fighting certain mobs/bosses you really have to be tactical in your approach ensuring to parry shield block and dodge and get critical hits on enemy weak spots - and the bosses are massive. Its great single player experience but apparently reading reviews the co-op multiplayer is awesome.
Heres some screenshots....
Full review is here, 9/10 seems about right to me.....
A brand new video review, shows all the rpg elements (watch in HD)
Overall have to say im really impressed with what i have seen. Think this game would also go down well on the PC (not sure if this will be a PS3 exclusive or not)
Just cant decide if to import this now or wait for october. Chances of borrowing my mates copy is pretty slim as this game is meant to be incredibly tough (hes not even 25% in yet he reckons)