OK...this is my first post here but I hope someone can offer some advice. I have a system built a couple of months ago on an FP-IN9 mobo which worked fine up until a couple of weeks ago. I've not OC'ed at all but when switching on all I got was a black screen...after much fiddling about I think I've narrowed it down to a GFX problem. I've tested the monitor and GFX card in other machines and they work fine. I've swopped other GFX in to the dud machine and they don't work so I'm wondering if it might be the connection between GFX and the mobo. Initially when this started I was able to get the GFX working by wiggling the monitor cable (highly technical I know) but this no longer seems to work and I'd rather have a better solution. I've seen a couple of similar sounding problems on this forum which involved tuening SLi on or clearing the cmos but before I do either of those I thought I check and see if anyone else has had the same problem.