Hi All,
I have just spent the last few days putting together my new pc and I am currently having trouble installing XP. My IP35 picks up the hard drive in the bios, although in dos it does say it can't see a drive (when booting). I can get as far as formatting the drive, however then my XP installation stops after a few seconds stating it cannot load a certain file. I have tried two XP disks and I am still getting the same problem. I have downloaded what I think are the sata drivers I require from the samsung website. I am currently in the xp screen where you can load sata drivers (f6 during xp installation), with the disk inserted I am getting the following required - "txtsetup.oem" - the drivers I have don't have this file. Am I doing something wrong here? Do I need to install these drivers? I am running my sata mode in the motherboard as IDE. Quite often I can't even get into the f6 screen....
Any help would be appreciated.
Model: Samsung spinpoint HD501LJ