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Thread: Abit IN9 32X MAX Fails to post

  1. #1
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    Abit IN9 32X MAX Fails to post

    Hi i have had the MoBo for a few years now and decided to check the temp monitoring settings in the BIOS as i was having some problems with some of the values showing in the U'GURU software.

    so i went in didn't see anything out of the ordinary and then went to boot as normal, prompted to save changes (i didn't remember changing anything) and i pressed Y and continued (big mistake) the Computer Booted as normal and i proceeded to use it for around an hour and then shut it down.

    Upon next starting the Computer the fans and water cooling will cycle for around 5-10 seconds and then the system will power down again. No output to the Monitor and no output to the other peripherals.

    I checked the Post code displayed on the LED display on the MB and it shows 0.0. with the system turned off. When started the system displays 8.E. and then switches off again after a few seconds. the LED display remains displaying 8.E.

    i checked the POST code list in the manual and there is no mention of code 8E (nor any of the other possible combinations if im reading the display wrong).

    "ok no problem" i think "ill just clear the Cmos"

    I use the Cmos switch on the back of the MB as directed in the manual. the C.C. is displayed as suggested in the manual and resets to 0.0. when i place the switch in the normal position

    no change there then even after booting up. So i try manually with the jumper. Same result. I try AGAIN with the Battery removing it, waiting several seconds then replacing it (the final test, i haven't left it for longer than several seconds however i am considering it).

    I have yet to try powering up while holding the Inst / DLT / CTRL / F2 etc... keys down and will try after posting this on my laptop.

    anyone who has any experience with this sort of error

    The system has been stable for almost 2 years now and then this has happened. I am almost certain its because i was ****ing around in the Bios. Is there any way i can fix this?


  2. #2
    Resident abit mourner BUFF's Avatar
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    Re: Abit IN9 32X MAX Fails to post


    It helps others to help you if they know exactly what you are dealing with.
    Please supply a full system specification incl. make & models.
    If you put it in your profile then you only have to do it once.

    MSI P55-GD80, i5 750
    abit A-S78H, Phenom 9750,

    My abit forums

  3. #3
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    Re: Abit IN9 32X MAX Fails to post

    Ok will do.

    edit* updated into my public profile.

    edit 2. I also tried powering on while holding the different keys down and had no results.
    Last edited by soulfire6; 24-04-2009 at 11:08 AM.

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