Hi all,
I'm a new user but I'm hoping by the name of these forums that someone on here with more tech knowledge will be able to help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I currently have a abit IL9 pro V 1.0 motherboard and a Windows 7 64 bit system. I wanted to upgrade my processor to get rid of some problems so I decided to go from an Intel Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz (2 CPUs) to an Intel Core2 Duo E7500.
I was very excited for it to get here and when I finally installed it I received a message when starting up my system that the new hardware was not supported by the motherboard.
I checked out some pages online and was recommended to update my BIOS. I checked the latest version of my BIOS and it is pretty out of date and looks similar to when I built this computer (10/27/2006). I went to the abit website and there are new BIOS versions available however when I try to install them it says they are only compatible on 32bit systems.
So all in all I feel pretty helpless and stupid that I just spent $130 on this CPU and I don't know what to do or whether I need to buy a new computer or motherboard or return this CPU for something else.
Any help would be appreciated more than you can imagine.
My video card is a ATI Radeon HD 4650.