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Thread: an9 32x post c1

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Jan 2011
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    • starfiggter05's system
      • Motherboard:
      • Abit FATAL1TY AN9 32X
      • CPU:
      • Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2.7GHz AD05200IAA5DO CPU
      • Memory:
      • corsair XMS2 DDR2 6400 800MHZ 4gigs
      • Storage:
      • 2 western digital hard drives 500gigs each sony Blue ray Rw drive combo, memorex dvd rw combo drive
      • Graphics card(s):
      • Nvidia 9800gts 250 xfx special eddition 512ddr3 dual SLI
      • PSU:
      • Antec signature series 850 watt
      • Case:
      • A+ twin engine mid size tower
      • Operating System:
      • Drive 1 xp 32x office Drive 2 vista home 64x
      • Monitor(s):
      • Samsung 7series Led 46" Tv

    an9 32x post c1


    I am having some issues with my mother board. My specs are in profile, but the issue i am having is everytime i boot my comp it gets stuck on post c.o and c1 it seems to just go on a constant loop from c.o to c1 sounds like it reboots every time i have taken everything off the mobo even taken off all the ram cards and still it does the same thing so franckly i have given up. but even so i am a bit currious if i got a new bios chip would it change anything? If doubtfull then what can anyone recomend me with out having to change any of my specs other than the ram cards and the mobo. Thanks
    Last edited by starfiggter05; 15-01-2011 at 07:42 PM.

  2. #2
    ABIT UK ABIT Sean's Avatar
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    Re: an9 32x post c1

    C1 code is caused by a memory issue this can be caused by the memory, CPU or graphics card.

    Try disconecting all devices except the CPU and 1 stick of memory. If the system passes C1 then power off and install 1 graphics card and repeat untill system is running.

    If doesn't pass C1 on the first try remove the memory and try another stick.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
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    • starfiggter05's system
      • Motherboard:
      • Abit FATAL1TY AN9 32X
      • CPU:
      • Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2.7GHz AD05200IAA5DO CPU
      • Memory:
      • corsair XMS2 DDR2 6400 800MHZ 4gigs
      • Storage:
      • 2 western digital hard drives 500gigs each sony Blue ray Rw drive combo, memorex dvd rw combo drive
      • Graphics card(s):
      • Nvidia 9800gts 250 xfx special eddition 512ddr3 dual SLI
      • PSU:
      • Antec signature series 850 watt
      • Case:
      • A+ twin engine mid size tower
      • Operating System:
      • Drive 1 xp 32x office Drive 2 vista home 64x
      • Monitor(s):
      • Samsung 7series Led 46" Tv

    Re: an9 32x post c1

    Done that. Did not work i took everything off it put diff cpu i had bought before the 2.7ghz one same issue ram took out from another working comp i had built around that time same issue. well now the mobo should be in the dump by now. Took the heat sinks out and that fan might find a nice use for it
    I got a free msi board from a friend he had laying around but his is not SLI compatible so i am still looking for a replacement got any ideas on what would fit my specs? And just out of curriocity if it was the ram issue wpuldent it had the same issue since i put the comp together? Why yrs later?

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