If you wish to purchase a chipset fan/graphics card fan.
You need to send us 3 Things.
1. Cover letting stating the motherboard model
2. Self address stamped jiffy bag
3. Postal order for £6 (made payable to ABIT)
If anyone requires a BIOS chip.
For a new bios chip we need the following.
1. Covering letter stating the motherboard model and bios version you require.
2. Self addressed stamped jiffy bag (small).
3. Postal order for £17.63
mac address of the motherboard is required.
If you wish to have your bios chip reprogramed. send us the following.
1. Covering letter stating the motherboard model and bios version you require.
2. Self addressed stamped jiffy bag (small)
3. Postal order for £11.75.
Don't forget to send us the original chip and the mac address of the motherboard.
In some cases we will reflash your bios for free. If feel that your situation requires this please PM me.
When removing the bios chip always use a PLCC extractor tool. Failure to do so may damage your motherboard.
You can purchase the correct tool from cpc.co.uk
Please send all replacement parts requests to the following address.
Universal ABIT UK Corporation
Unit 3,
24-26 Boulton Road,