Hey there guys,
i have a very important problem, since i searched through all the internet for hours but could not find anything, i decided to ask you guys.
i recently purchased the aw9d-max and it just won't start with two corsair 1gig sticks. It works just fine with one, but with two i get the postcode 52 error.
Also, the bios resets itsself after pc reboot.
So i decided to flash my bios which is 12 to version 13. Now here comes my problem:
I create a bootable flpyy disk in windows xp, everything works fine and the bootable disk is ready. But when i look at the disk, the startup files on it created by windows are about 560 kb in size. So when i now try to copy the bios files(as described on abit's site) i can't do so, cause the bios file (the .bin file) won't fit on the discette. What to do now??? I don't want to create any bootable usb or cd rom, can anyone help me? I've read the bios update tut on abit's site about a hundred times and did everything step by step, but i just can't copy all the five files to the bootable disk cause they are too big in size....
here's the link to the abit tut (in horrible english, I'm from germany and it's not any better in german....)
ww w2.abit.com.tw/page/de/download/guide.php
Thanks for your help!