My darling other half has herself a srubbishrubbishrubbishrubbishy Powerbook G4, but after some sustained iPhoto use, it's reduced to a crawl. Being a diehard PC user, I'm not in the best position to help her....but such is my love that I'm ready to learn.
That's right, love does indeed conquer all.
Anyway, is anyway of speeding up the infernal machine, or is it simply that iPhoto cannot deal with the 13,000 digital photo's she's managed to accumulate (I don't have this problem with Adobe PhotoAlbum on the PC...yeah, you heard me, on the PC....Sorry, old habits dying hard).
Is there a defrag option, or is more RAM the only option....I think she's only got the standard RAM amount, whatever that is, 12 bushells worth or Mac's even use RAM for that matter
Please please advise, otherwise she's going to go out and buy a G5 with a 23" monitor, which I'll then have to appropriate, which will be the end of my PC-fanboydom (word?).
Cheers in advance.