Okay, forgive me for having some misunderstanding of Apple's flagship system, which my darling wife treated herself to recently...that's a PowerMac G5 Dual 2.5Ghz, 1Gb Ram, Dual 250Gb disks, 23" HD Cinema Display, the works....but why is it sooo slow?
I'm thinking it's 'cause we ported all her old programs (and associated rubbish she's picked up on that machine since she got it) from her Powerbook and there's stuff on there she doesn't need.
Can anyone help me by pointing to any relevant resources online to help me get the computer up to speed, or any programs within OSX that might help me find out what's going on....I haven't got a clue where to start, and I thought I'd save time by asking you jolly fellows first...
And by slow I mean opening files in Photoshop....to my mind, anything smaller than a particle by particle image map of our solar system should open almost instantly on this rig....am I wrong?