After recently purchasing my ibook, i've pretty much fallen in love with the apple way of doing things
everything in OSX, as opposed to windows crashing all the time and moaning at the slightest thing. ofc its so pretty as well, everything just looks great. Simple to use as well once you get used to the single click mouse system. The thing that worried me about moving towards macs was the gaming side of things..but WoW works flawlessly on my mid-low specced ibook(1ghz, 768ram) and from the looks of things there are plenty of other games out there for the mac
So next time i need to upgrade my will be a switch to a mac methinks By then it might even be an intel based mac...depends if i have to patience to wait 3 years (2 before they are released iirc and another year for the bugs to be ironed out )
While i'm here, is there any 'killer' software that i 'must' have for my ibook? preferably freeware stuff that you find very useful a good place to find free widgets would also be useful, i'm not up to speed with where to find mac software.. any help would be great