Hello all,
Last night, I fired up iTunes and it stated that there was a newer version available. I downloaded and installed the newer version (7) and then when I plugged in my iPod to synch up, it let me know that there was a firmware update.
Now, I usually download these manually from the Apple site and install, so that i can always restore i particular version if needed. However, i did this all through iTunes (which worked really well and transparently btw) and its now on version 1.2
I didnt know if there was any difference until this morning when i played a trance album in my car on the way to work - there was finally no gap between the tracks in the DJ set. About time too really, but this made me think what else is there? I dont have a fixed list, as this usually comes in Read Me form when you download the original exe.
I'd like to know what other changes there are - I've just noticed that when plugged into the PC via USB to charge, the backlight seems brighter, which helps you to see the little charging image.
If anyone can point me in the right direction then that would be great. And i Have looked at Apples site, but i cant find it - latest update points to 2006-06-28